Starting from the Plaza de Santa María de Guadalupe we go to Caño de Abajo street, where there is a rectangular-shaped fountain that supplied this neighborhood, known as the Fuente del Caño: we will continue along Matorral street and the old pilgrims’ path who came from Castile, this is known as the
“Camino del Agua” that runs parallel to the regional road EX-118. In some sections the route becomes a path and the panoramic views of the town and its surroundings are captivating.
The Monastery emerges majestically among the houses of La Puebla
We ascend surrounded by olive trees, aras and broom, which in the flowering season flood us with their aroma and beauty
At the height of the Hermitage of Humilladero we turn left, to continue along the path of the water, we arrive at the hill called “Miramontes” to access the Valle del Mato cdoton where in its upper part is the Arca del Pagigua and mines, hydraulic works of the fourteenth century. It was built while Don Toribio Fermández de Mena was Prior of the Monastery, to supply the Monastery and Puebla with the precious liquid.
On the slopes of Las Villuercas, a few meters from the source of the Guadalupe River, they found some large springs and to collect this water they built a beautiful and large stone and brick ark, which is still known today as the “Water Ark”.
To conduct this water to Puebla, the Miramontes hill was drilled; In this way, the water was able to reach the Monastery and various fountains in the town.
30,000 gold doubles were spent on this work.
It is impressive to enter these galleries and see how the crystalline water gushes out, there is plenty of everything in the beloved Caño de Santa María, which sinks in the deepest part
The scenic beauty of the area is impressive with native vegetation, in which abound chestnut trees, oaks, pines, arbutus, cistus and broom.
At the bottom of the valley, forming a peaceful haven is the Guadalupelo dam, surrounded by the mountains of Pico Agudo, Sancho, Miramontes and crowned by the Sierras de las Villuercas.
The return is eles. 44.4 will follow the same itinerary, ending in the Plaza de Santa Maria de Guadalupe, where we will end the route.